Prints on glass

Prints on glass

Glass has always been popular among painters, architects and designers. Prints on glass was an elite way of decoration since the Renaissance. Nowadays, thanks to modern printing technology on glass this art is available to everyone.

Full-color graphics application on glass has become possible due to UV printing. You can order prints of any image on a glass surface, without having fear that the paint will be applied unevenly or wash off. UV printing is not afraid of plunging temperature, sunlight and rainfall that makes it the ideal solution for creating outdoor advertising and exterior.

Printing on glass from Nikkel Art can also be used for interior design. Just imagine how the original drawing can decorate your glass door, table board, mirror glass or any other piece of furniture. You will be able to choose a suitable plot for printing on glass in our picture gallery. We can also print your image. UV printing on glass – is a great way to materialize the most challenging design ideas.

The glass element can be either completely filled with photographic images or partly decorated with paints. Depending on this, you can achieve full protection from prying eyes as you don’t leave any possibility of partial penetration of light. Another area where glass covered with photo-realistic image can be used is room decorating by using glass panels or glass pieces of furniture.

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In order to turn the sheet of glass into a piece of art it is enough to put a full-color printing on glass. More and more people engaged in glass processing and printing business join their efforts in order to get the opportunity to develop a new kind of art, such as printing on glass. When using such products with additional artificial illumination, the unique atmosphere appears in any interior.

Categorized: Interieur

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